Vexdata Overview

Vexdata automates Data Testing.


Vexdata is a Data Quality Management platform designed to automate Data Testing. Data risk has increased exponentially with the advent of cloud migrations, big data and data lakes. It's nearly impossible to continue manual data testing and monitoring.

Vexdata, with its data validation rules-based approach, enables enterprises to automate ETL testing and implement DataOps strategies for data-centric projects and systems. Vexdata is built ground up to scale and can easily compare millions of records at a time between any type of sources and destinations, including structured, semi-structured, transactional databases, flat files (e.g. CSV) as well as on-prem & cloud based data warehouses. It provides an intuitive interface to both technical and non-technical users to write simple as well as complex test cases to verify that the ETL jobs are performing the desired operations. Vexdata also provides detailed reports for each test, including execution time taken and errors identified.

Vexdata executes validation jobs within the Enterprise’s existing infrastructure environment (on-premises, cloud, hybrid, etc.) and does not take any data out of the Enterprise’s environment. The tool itself remains security compliant and free from vulnerabilities. While running on cloud platforms like AWS, Azure or Google Cloud, Vexdata incurs cloud costs only when the comparison jobs are being run while making sure not to leave any unused resources running on the cloud to save every bit of cost that it can.

Vexdata can be integrated into existing CI/CD solutions to further automate the validation jobs. All this being available in the tool makes it possible to execute the validations as many times as need be, without incurring a lot of manpower or digression from other strategic initiatives.

Common Use Cases

Data Migration Testing

Ensure your migrations to cloud databases like Snowflake, Redshift are successful by fully testing the data between legacy and new systems.

ETL Testing

Automate the testing of your ETL processes in any data centric project completely.

Data Warehouse Testing

Verify the Data Warehouse landscape for data accuracy and completeness by implementing end to end test automation.

Big Data Testing

Use the power of Spark cluster to test data in your data lake or Hadoop ecosystem at scale.

BI Testing

Vexdata validates the BI reports with the source data to ensure the reports are presenting accurate metric.


  1. AI-based automated data validation rules with the ability to augment business specific rules using a drag-and-drop interface (for non-technical users) as well as SQL (for technical users).

  2. Out-of-the-box Integration with 100+ data sources & destinations (including Oracle & Snowflake).

  3. Optional, native integration for Hadoop based processing of concurrent jobs (to speed up the execution of validation jobs in case of large datasets).

  4. Capability to process any size of data (organizations have used Vexdata to validate billions of records at a time).

  5. Multiple deployment options (SaaS, on-premises, VPC, etc.).

  6. Auto-detection of key columns across source and destination datasets.

  7. Powerful integration options, including REST APIs, YAML, SDKs as well as a graphical user interface.

  8. Optional, AI-based optimization of compute resources utilization to keep the cost of validation jobs low (automated provisioning & deprovisioning of cloud instances while running validation jobs on Hadoop).

  9. Support for data validation across different data types.

  10. Ability to add tolerance when comparing data with some differences (milliseconds timestamp difference or Decimal rounding).

What does Vexdata NOT do

Vexdata does not migrate data.

Vexdata is not an ETL/ELT solution.

Last updated