Linux Installation
Software Download and Installation
The URL will be sent to you through email, along with your license key. After receiving it, use the wget command to retrieve the URL.
After retrieving the file, unzip it with the unzip command.
Set License Name and License Key (Optional -for paid subscription)
Edit the .env file and update the following three properties using the licensing information values provided to you by email after purchasing Vexdata. Be certain to update the default value of the LICENSE_NAME with the value shown in the email.
Setting License Key and Name are not required for Starter_Version
Set Server URL (Optional -If running jobs on Hadoop cluster/Kubernetes)
The default value for the server is http://dq-nginx. Set it to the server's URL if cluster (Hadoop, EMR, Databricks) is being used for jobs processing.
If https keys are provided, set the HOST_URL to https://<server URL>
Starting the server
When running for the first time, get the latest software by running below command
Start the server either with the sudo command, or by logging in as a user with admin privileges.
Open an internet browser and go to your own host's URL : http://<HOST_URL>
If installing on the local machine, URL will be
Note: Host is the server's URL or the IP address.
Do not use localhost in the URL.
Update the software
Follow the steps below to update the software with patches and upgrades.
Update the Software Replace
with the provided version (e.g.,7_35
), and run the following command:Start the Server
You will need to have https certificate and keys.
Rename the .crt file to secure.crt and move it to <server_folder>/my_data/keys/.
Rename the .key file to secure.key and move it to <server_folder>/my_data/keys/.
Last updated