

  • Slack integration refers to the process of connecting the application with the Slack messaging platform.

  • This integration enables communication between the application and Slack, allowing users to receive quick notifications regarding Test Case Status updates directly within their Slack workspace channels.


  • Email integration functionality empowers users by enabling them to effortlessly receive email notifications specifically related to test cases.

  • This feature streamlines communication by ensuring that pertinent updates, status changes, and essential information regarding test cases are promptly delivered to users' email inboxes, facilitating quick and convenient access to critical project details

  • Email Integration allows users to receive Email notification of Test Case.

  • This feature streamlines communication by ensuring that pertinent updates, status changes, and essential information regarding test cases are promptly delivered to users' email inboxes, facilitating quick and convenient access to test results.


  • Jira integration refers to the process of connecting the application with the Jira project management tool.

  • This integration enables to raise tasks and issues for individual test cases directly from the application with updates reflected in Jira in real-time and efficient tracking within the project management system.

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