Manual Install on ec2
Recommended for single server.
Steps to create Vexdata server in AWS Cloud
Create ec2 instance of type T3.xlarge to support upto five concurrent jobs.(Select T3.2xlarge to support upto 10 concurrent jobs. )
OPTIONAL STEP : If jobs need to be processed in EMR cluster, create the role #grant-permission-to-ec2-instance-to-launch-emr-clusters and attache the role to the ec2 instance.
EC2 Instance should be launched in private subnet.
Follow the steps in Linux Installation for installing Vexdata server.
Create AWS Load Balancer and route http traffic to the ec2 instance created above.
Create SSL Certificate and expose only HTTPS traffic to the load balancer.
Create Role for EC2 instance to launch EMR Clusters
Create a role and attache the policy below.
Create an S3 bucket so EMR cluster can write the logs.
Create an IAM policy from the sample. Update the sample with the account number and bucket name from the above step.
Last updated