Test Case

Flows are the processes which can be defined on a canvas to auto-generate groups of test cases.

The _Test Cases_page displays all the user-saved and executed flows.

Some important features of this page are:

  • **Search: **Allows users to search in the displayed test cases for a specific test case by Test Case Name, Job Type, Creator Name, Created Date, Last Executed Time, or Last Executed Status.

  • **Import Test Case : **This feature permits users to upload a JSON file with information to create a Test Case. To do this, follow these instructions:

    • Click on the Import Test Case button which is located above the table, to the right.

    • Find and select the JSON file to be imported from your documents.

    • Click on Save to import the Test Case under the Test Cases table.

    • Click on Cancel to stop the import process.

    • A message is displayed to inform the user that the Test Case has been successfully imported.

  • The Test Cases ' list can be sorted by clicking on the columns' titles, i.e., Test CaseName, Job Type, Creator Name, Created Date, Last Executed Time, and Last Executed Status.

Each Test Case under the Action column has seven available actions, which can be accessed by clicking on the three-dots icon next to the check box. These actions are:

   **1. Edit**  - By clicking on this action the system redirects the user to the edit c
   anvas of this particular test case, and can then modify it. 

** 2. Clone - **By clicking on this action a user can duplicate the corresponding Test Case :

  • Select the Clone option.

  • Provide the Test Case's name.

  • Click on Save to clone the Test Case .

** 3. Delete - **This action allows the user to delete the selected Test Case .

** 4. Rename - **This action is used to rename the selected Test Case .

To rename a Test Case :

  • Select the_ Rename_ option.

  • Modify the Test Case's Name.

  • Click on Save_ to rename the Test Case.

** 5. Export - **This action can be used to download selected Test Case as a JSON file.

** 6. Publish - **This action is used to share the selected Test Case to all the users in that group. A test case belongs only to the user that created it until the user has published the test case.

To publish a Test Case :

  • Select a Test Case to publish.

  • Click on_ Save_ to publish the Test Case.

Last updated