Data Compare

Compare two data sources (Tables/SQL/files/API output)

The Data Compare shape can be used to compare the following four options of two or more data sources/targets:

  • ETL Testing/Cell by Cell Compare : Compares every cell from the configured source with the corresponding cell of the configured target.

  • Table Counts Compare : Compares the counts of source and target tables.

  • Schema Compare : Compares the schema of source and target.

  • Data Profile Compare : Compares the data profile of the source and target.

  • Data Migration Validation : Compares same type of schema.

To create a new compare flow:

  • Drag a Source component from the palette to the canvas and configure it as explained in the Define Data Source and Target section.

  • Drag a _Target _component from the palette to the canvas and configure it as explained in the Define Data Source and Target section.

  • Drag a Data Compare component from the palette to the canvas. Join the connections by clicking on the dark circles next to each component and dragging your pointer to the other component's circle.


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