Roles and Permissions

Roles and Permissions on


The hierarchical structure of roles and permissions on ensures a clear and organized approach to user management and project control. Each level, from Admin to User, has defined responsibilities and permissions to maintain a balanced and secure environment for data validation and testing.

This documentation aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the roles and permissions, helping users navigate their responsibilities and capabilities within effectively.


  • Role Overview: The Super Admin holds the highest level of authority within the platform.

  • Permissions:

    • Enable/Disable Features: Ability to activate or deactivate features for all users.

      • Set Global Default Time Zone

      • Update Software

      • Enable/Disable Features for all users.

    • User Management: Can assign/revoke any permission to any user or make any user as an admin.

    • Access to Reports: Full access to all administrative reports and analytics. These reports are restricted to only Admin.

Project Owner

  • Role Overview: The Project Owner is the user who creates a project and holds significant control over that project's settings and user access. There can be one or more owners for a project. An owner can add/remove other owners.

    • When a new project is created, no other user can access that project. To add acces, do that following.

  • Permissions:

    • User Access Management: Can grant access to other users, allowing them to read, write, execute, and delete test cases within the project.

    • Ownership Transfer: Ability to assign other users as project owners, sharing the ownership and control over the project.

Regular User

  • Role Overview: Regular Users are individuals who are granted specific permissions within a project by the Project Owner.

  • Permissions:

    • Access Levels: Permissions are based on what the Project Owner grants, which can include reading, writing, executing, and deleting test cases.

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